Monday, July 5, 2010

Yesterday is not so great =D

yesterday, school was great! hahaha! our form teacher was not here because she has something to do with her stuff.
So yeah, me and jamri go canteen and hang there for awhile,
Break time. =DDD
i went to her class room but she was not there, she's in the counceling with nadhirah and i don't know what is she doing there.
end of breaktime,
i've studied combine science with jamri hahahaha! yeah right, naaah, we're just wasting time talking talking and share some stuff :D
well school ends,
it's time to play football, in the afternoon me,binjul and jamri go to the store and buy some stuff, and it's 2pm, focus on football that's how we're going to win! guess what i've scored 7 goals just for her (jannatun naim) hehe, unfortunately, when i've reached home i felt different like weak and headache badly! so i lay down hoping nothing bad is going to happen to me. imissyou JANNATUN NAIM!
At night, i woke up and take a look at my phone, i was hoping a text from her but nothing came out. maybe she was busy so yeah i don't mind. =)
The clock struck twelve and it's time to talk with her on the phone, suddenly she fell asleep all the time. and i was dirsturbing her by misscall, i'm really sorry baby. sleep well my love. <3 mdizzathibrahim

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday ^_^

today was so relaxiing :D there's nothing to think and nothing to do just sit and feel free, But tomorrow i'm back with my boredom life haha! but IMISSHERALOT!!! :D Dk Jannatun Naim binti Abu bakar <3

Saturday, July 3, 2010


yeaaaaahhhh! tonight were great, we had fun playing those eight song's. well i did some mistakes though but just ignore and have fun. Eqah Akma and Fiq was enjoying their song played by us. Haha!
unfortunately our payment will be given on the 5th July 10 -.-" so on monday i'm going to have a big cash! whoooo! hahaha Have to go to bed, all my energy have been used up. =/ mdizzathibrahim

Friday, July 2, 2010

A boring day -.-"

well today, we have this boring assembly that make's me yawning everytime the pricipal gave this lame speech. Haha

my brother(jamri) and i played futsal with sharin,fuad,sanusi and the other's, we're having fun but in the end everyone were exhausted and hardly bare to kick the ball.

Break time -.-"
it was so boringggggggg, Jannatun<3 were actually gone for awhile, she's actually join this nasyid. today they are facing all school at Tutong. wish her a goodluck and all the best

what am i going to do now?
take a nap, eat and boooom! EMPIRE awaits, i have to prepare my stuff because tonight will be a hell of gigg! wish me luck. zattibrahim :D